
in quest of the best web sites for collectors

Military Postal History

Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society

The Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society leads the study of the Postal History and Usages of the 2nd Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902. Areas of interest are stamps, envelopes, picture postcards, censor seals, memorabilia and other items relevant to the war.

De Nederlandsche Veldpost

A fine collection, and reference guide for other collectors, of Dutch Military Postmarks. (Text in Dutch)

Field Post on Czech Territory

A fine exhibit by Petr Gebauer providing an overview of the field post services that operated on the present territory of the Czech Republic - from the Austro-Hungarian Field Post 1914-1918 to the Soviet Field Post 1968-1991.

Forces Postal History Society

Established in 1952, the UK-based Forces Postal History Society was formed to bring together the many collectors interested in the postal history of the Armed Forces of all countries, (and United Nations), at all times, whether in war or peacetime, including the study of postmarks, cachets, postage rates, prisoner-of-war mail, stamps and stationery, censorship and the organization of military postal services. The society has over 350 members in many countries.

Military Postal History

Fortunes of War Collectibles

A possible source of supply for military postal history material, Fortunes of War stocks an extensive selection of older US Naval Covers including Crosby, Macon/Akron, Submarines, Surface Navy, Asiatic Fleet, Old Ironsides, USS Arizona, and so on. There's a good stock of post-World-War-II naval covers in addition to a fine selection of World War II era patriotic covers. Fortunes of War also carries a very large offering of German Third Reich era postal history items including many of the rarer postally used propaganda cards. In addition,there's a large selection of Zeppelin covers, Willrich postcards, German Navy (including U-Boat), rocket mail, occupied Channel Islands, cigarette cards/albums, and magazines of the period. Plus an excellent selection of rare Japanese WWII propaganda cards.

Greenland: Censorship & WW2 APO's

Per Rønberg's beautifully detailed study of Greenland military postal history.

Military Postal History from Jim Forte

Jim Forte's dealer site offers a strong stock of all types of military postal history - strongest showing is in U.S. World War II material.

Swedish Military Postal History Society (SMPS)

The Swedish Military Postal History Society, abbreviated SMPS, was formed to bring together the many collectors interested in Swedish military post from 1631, when the first field post office was opened, to the present day. The items collected include prephilatelic mail in war and peace, military letters, postcards and stationery, military postmarks, Swedish military mail to and from foreign countries (e.g. Swedish Volunteer's and Swedish UN forces mail), post from prisoner-of-war and internment camps, censorship and postal restrictions, foreign field-post in Sweden, etc.

The Austro-Hungarian Army 1914-18

A detailed article by John Dixon-Nuttall providing useful information for postal history collectors. (Part of the Austrian Stamp Club site).

The Danish Unit in Estonia 1919-20

A vey intesting presentation of military postal history.

The Military Postal History Society (MPHS)

If you have an interest in military mail from anywhere, from any time period,you should be a member of the MPHS and receive the informative and educational bulletin. You can also attend and participate in philatelic meetings and exhibitions by other collectors with similar interests.